Sunday, November 4, 2012

One of my favorite movies of the early 70's was "House of Dark Shadows."  "House of Dark Shadows" is a film adaptation of the classic daytime drama, "Dark Shadows."  I saw this movie for the first time at the old Elwood Theater.  My parents took me to see the movie, and I loved it.  On the classic tv series, there was not much blood, but in the movie, "House of Dark Shadows," there was blood everywhere.  It was not as bloody as the later movies like "Friday the 13th" and "Dawn of the Dead."  A great joy in watching "House of Dark Shadows" is to watch the amazing cast work.  It is sad, that many of them, are no longer with us.  Actors like Jonathan Frid and Kathryn Leigh Scott can act circles around "Twilight" stars, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.  "House of Dark Shadows" goes back to Dan Curtis' original vision of the Barnabas character.  Barnabas is not the vampire, who evolves into a nice guy, but a vampire, who is under a curse, who would do anything to get his love, Josette DuPres, who looks like Maggie Evans.  Jonathan Frid's performance is amazing.  His training helped him to create a character that you felt sorry for in the tv series, and the vampire, who is obsessed to re create his lost love in "House of Dark Shadows."  John Karlen is great as Willie Loomis.  Loomis is Igor.  We had a lot of actors, who played Willie Loomis.  John Karlen is the second actor to play the role, but when we think of Willie Loomis of "Dark Shadows," we don't think of James Hall, but John Karlen.  Kathryn Leigh Scott is great as Maggie Evans.  Kathryn is a great actress, who should of been more of a movie star, than she is.  She has the looks and range to have been a big star, and Kathryn can act circles around Kristen Stewart.  "House of Dark Shadows" has the look of the classic British Hammer movies.  I love the gothic locations.  The blu ray is great.  I love seeing the movie again in the original aspect ratio, that the movie was released in.  I wish that the blu ray would of been a special edition.  It would of been nice, if there was a commentary, as well as a documentary about the making of the movie, but perhaps, in the future, Warner Bros will release a special "House of Dark Shadows" blu ray edition.  The picture is very clear and the sound is good.  With vampires like Edward Cullen and Damon from "Vampire Diaries," who look like they work out at a un dead gym, I believe that Jonathan's Barnabas Collins is a man, who is from the 18th century.  I loved the new "Dark Shadows" movie.  Johnny Depp and Tim Burton are true artists, but I still think that the best "Dark Shadows" movie is "House of Dark Shadows."  I encourage people to either rent or purchase "House of Dark Shadows" and enjoy. 

House of Dark Shadows